LUNASOL garden of healing plants - beauty from the soul of the plant

View from the LUNASOL´s Italien garden
Harvest in LUNASOL´s garden – it takes time...
LUNASOL´s garden for medical plants
The LUNASOL´s calendula

“As within, so without.” Based on this fundamental alchemical principle, the outside of a plant – its form, consistency, color, scent and taste – is the signature of its essential inner quality.

It must be said, though, that the signatures of most healing plants found in the pharmaceutical trade are inadequate! Thus we have set up a garden in the Italian Alps where we cultivate about a hundred different species.

  • The altitude of the garden (700 meters above sea level) makes the daily and annual rhythms of nature particularly intensive – an essential condition for the development of heightened plant signatures.
  • The garden is situated in the San Pellegrino region, famed for the quality of its water. We irrigate the garden with our own spring water, which has been potentiated according to alchemical principles.
  • The garden is far away from places where air pollution is rife or conventional farming is practiced. The soil has never been cultivated in the past and is uncontaminated.

All the plants are sown, nurtured, harvested and dried with extreme care on silk, which has been stretched onto wooden frames. It is a labor of love, all performed by hand and taking the biorhythms of the plants into account.

In this way the glorious “outer” signatures of the plants are preserved. Their essential “inner” powers permeate the skin through the macerates, distillates and essences of LUNASOL-Cosmetics, giving it the “inner” beauty of the soul in accordance with the rhythm of its nature, based on the LUNAr night and the SOLar day.


Consistent natural cosmetics
in the alchemical tradition